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What Are the Greatest Dance Schools in the World?

What Are the Greatest Dance Schools in the World?

There are many dance schools in the world, but which ones are the best? This is subjective as some people think that all dance schools are equal, and some only want to attend one specific school. But it is a fact that the best dance schools globally have a lot of...
Tips for Teaching Tots to Dance

Tips for Teaching Tots to Dance

Dancing is an art that many people admire. However, not everyone can perfect the craft as expected. It takes passion, dedication, and planning to perfect the art of dancing. It can even be trickier for teachers, especially when it comes to dealing with children under...
Psychological Benefits of Dance

Psychological Benefits of Dance

Dancing is an excellent form of exercise that can improve your mental health in addition to your physical health. It can help you reduce stress, increase self-confidence, and boost your mood. Dancing is a fun way to get moving, and it has many psychological benefits...
Why Dance is Good for the Brain

Why Dance is Good for the Brain

Dance is a form of speaking that has shown many health benefits, including boosting brain power and function. The method that dance uses to boost brain power allows the body to produce more dopamine, which allows it to better process information and carry out daily...
The Connection between Dancing and Fighting

The Connection between Dancing and Fighting

In the last 150 years, the world has developed dramatically. Yet anatomy and physiology took millions of years to develop and have remained mostly unchanged over the previous 150,000 years. Specific implications come with this fact. Your body is a relic of a bygone...