Jiu-Jitsu originated with the Buddhist monks of India, but the modern form originated in Japan. Considered an art, Jiu-Jitsu was created to allow the Samurai who fought on horseback to fight well if they ever found themselves without weapons and on foot. The Samurai...
Everyone knows about karate and taekwondo, but there are actually hundreds of martial arts in the world. Each one has its own origin story and application. Here are just a few of the lesser-known styles of martial arts. Okichitaw Okichitaw is one of the rare...
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art and combat sport based on grabbing and fighting on the ground. It was derived from multiple exciting martial arts styles including Japanese jiu-jitsu and judo. The original purpose of Brazilian jiu-jitsu was to prove that a person...
Martial arts may not seem like an appropriate sport for older adults, but the truth is, in both fiction and fact, old age and martial arts go together well. There is a reason for the trope of the older martial artist whose skill surpasses that of even the most...
In an ideal scenario, you would be able to resolve most conflicts without getting into a physical fight or resorting to violence. But what if the other person won’t leave things alone? To make things worse, what if they’re bigger than you? Here are just a...