The origin of the term “karate” is from the Japanese word “kara,” which means “empty,” and “te,” which means “hand.” This form of martial arts is known for fighting without weapons. Origins Although karate...
One of the most scientific and systematic forms of Korean martial arts is taekwondo, which emphasizes the importance of mind and body training. It has gained widespread recognition due to its global popularity and is regarded as one of the official Olympic Games...
Welcome back for an overview of three more martial arts that are great for self-defense! Keysi If you’re a Keysi fighter, then you probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that some of the fighting techniques featured in the movie “Batman...
It’s a question that every parent who enrolls their child in karate has – how will this impact my kid’s behavior? Some parents worry that their kids will become more aggressive, while others hope that karate will teach their children discipline and...
Women have a lot to gain from practicing martial arts. While many movies and stereotypes surrounding martial arts focus on men, in reality, there are tons of women who participate in and benefit from martial arts as well. Martial arts help keep your mind sharp and...