The Israeli Defense Forces’ self-defense system, known as “Krav Maga,” is a no-holds-barred style of martial arts that uses natural movements to attack and counter-attack. Unlike other martial arts, it doesn’t utilize traditional fighting...
Martial arts emerged from depictions of fights in various forms of art, as well as archaeological findings and weapons. Some of the earliest works depict battles that date back to 3,000 BC. Many people believe that martial arts originated in Asia. This region is home...
It’s a question that every parent who enrolls their child in karate has – how will this impact my kid’s behavior? Some parents worry that their kids will become more aggressive, while others hope that karate will teach their children discipline and...
Women have a lot to gain from practicing martial arts. While many movies and stereotypes surrounding martial arts focus on men, in reality, there are tons of women who participate in and benefit from martial arts as well. Martial arts help keep your mind sharp and...
Police officers are often required to respond to dangerous and unpredictable situations. In these situations, they must have the skills to protect themselves and others. Martial arts can provide officers with the necessary training and tools to deal with various...